Tuesday, June 3, 2014

An Angel in Red Square on May Day

I believe I may have met an angel in Red Square on May Day while on route to my final destination in Siberia to minister to Russian school children.

It was the first time a May Day celebration was held without the usual military display of Soviet Union military power. The day was a mixed bag with old line Communists standing on a soap box extolling the glory of the former days. This was contrasted by young people who were experiencing joy for their first taste of freedom from totalitarian rule. In the midst of all this was a small band of believers led by Scott Temple who traveled from the other side of the world to distribute Bibles to anyone in Red Square who would take one.

There were the typical delays. The shipment of Bibles did not arrive. There were not enough people to distribute Bibles because of the surge of request. There were people who liked us being there. And there were people who definitely did not want us in Red Square!

The small missionary team gathered in a small circle to pray for success and the enlightenment of the Russian people.  We were feet from Lenin’s tomb. The prayer in English began with weak voices barely audible in the noisy celebratory surroundings. When we opened our eyes we noted the circle was growing larger and larger as more Russians joined the circle. I looked like the circle exceeded 100 people at its peak. Our prayer leader asked for a translator, and seemingly out of nowhere came a tall Russian woman who volunteered. As she began to translate the prayers into Russian, it seemed like her voice could be heard across Red Square, drowning out noisy protests, music and soapbox speeches. More Russians joined the circle. When we finished, she disappeared into the crowd as instantly as she appeared.

To me she felt like an angel. She was gone with no opportunity to thank her, no chance to introduce ourselves, no request on her part for anything.

Hebrews 13:2 reminds us: Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

Have you ever thought you had an angel experience? Why not encourage each other by sharing that moment.

Robert Parlante

May 2014


  1. Thank you for sharing! I have experienced some things I would call miracles, but I don't recall any that might have involved visible angels. A few years ago as I was driving to church after dark, a car came zipping through a red light making a left turn through the intersection I had just pulled into, and I don't know how I made it to the other side without being struck. That was a God thing for sure.

  2. Brenda Christmas ... Thanks for sharing your angel story. I wrote an angel piece for The Lookout some years ago where I interviewed different individual about their angel encounters. One of my friends had a similar experience like you had. I believe any experience that can't logically be explained may have involved a heavenly hand and maybe an angel!
