I was standing in line trying to return a clothing item my wife had purchased at a big box store. Standing in long serpentine lines is not among my favorite things to do … especially when retuning a woman’s blouse. The line was long and moved at a snail’s pace. Up ahead, I saw the big burly man behind the counter interrogating the customers and processing the returns. My legs wobbled as I sucked in my gut and tried to look more manly and taller.
When I reached the customer service representative his first question was, “What’s wrong with the blouse?” His look felt like it could penetrate steel as I tried to stand on my tippy-toes to better reach the counter.
“Not sure,” I said tentatively. “It’s my wife’s blouse. I think it’s too long.”
“Not sure,” I said tentatively. “It’s my wife’s blouse. I think it’s too long.”
I thought I overly emphasized the word “wife” as I slipped him my credit card.
When the transaction was complete I spun around and confronted a man wearing a tee-shirt with words emblazoned upon it: “I am a legend in my own mind.”
It reminded me of a song, "Legend in Your Own Time", performed by Carly Simon, from her 1971 album “Anticipation.”
In that moment. the power of Scripture to speak to our needs encouraged me. Our goal in life is not to achieve true “Legend” status. Even worse is conjuring up a mind game to pretend you are a legend. We are only kept real and safe by trusting the Lord no matter what others may think.
Proverbs 29:25 - Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. (NIV).
May 2018
Robert Parlante