Monday, September 22, 2014


I did not use scientific statistical methodology. The sampling was way too small but that did not stop me from using bad science to reach quasi truth about human nature. Spin doctors and politicians do this all the time, but that does not make it right.

Despite the unsound approach I arrived at the following conclusions.

When someone mentions that they had read my book Patch Town – A Letter from Miss Wingate, I asked them a question: Who was your favorite character in the book and why?

Excluding “Martin” the principal character in the book, the next most favorite person mentioned was Sonia Washington who runs the senior adult care home in Shanks Patch. The reason for her popularity is that she is spunky and knows how to pull things together quickly and efficiently when the moment calls for action.

Therefore people like spunky people, despite the bad science used. Well, sort of!

One poll result I recently saw suggested most people do indeed like spunky people (however one defines “spunky”). But get a little too spunky and you turn off people. Sonia has just the right blend of spunk. I guess that’s the key balance goal for all of us.

The second feedback relates to Sonia’s ability to rise to the task set before her with limited resources or time. In the novel she cooks a great Thanksgiving meal on short notice. She knows how to acknowledge value or a blessing when she encounters them.

The part I like best about Sonia is that she was the initiator of the plot. Her decision to write a letter triggers the entire plot. The second best thing I liked about her was that she captured the heart of Leroy. Miss Spunky meets Mr. Spunky! The conclusion: spunk is attracted to spunk.

If you have read or planned to read Patch Town – A Letter from Miss Wingate let me know who is your favorite character and why.

Robert Parlante

September 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

From Failure to Forgiveness to Freedom ... and Fiction!

Many of us have likely had this experience. Someone approaches you for counsel or advice and begins the conversation with, “I have this friend who is going through this or that problem, and I’d like to help them with this issue.”

After the problem is shared, the person asking then says, “What should I tell my friend?”

Oft times the “friend” reference is a way to conceal the fact that the person seeking your counsel and the so called “friend” are one and the same. I've been through enough pastoral-care sessions to conclude that creating a substitute focus is a defense mechanism to get answers while keeping the focus off the person and their issues. I understand this approach because I've employed the technique at times in my life.

When I decided to write a book about moving from failure to forgiveness to freedom, I had to decide what genre I would use to help people confront the personal hurdles they face. I decided to use fiction even though I could have taken a non-fiction pastoral approach with Scripture references and results from life experiences. But some people are not open to full discussion in a group study format where the focus could be so direct on the group participant.

I chose to approach the issue through fiction. That’s why I wrote the fiction book Patch Town-A Letter from Miss Wingate. People are more comfortable when they comment on a fictional character’s successes and failure. There is a built-in separation between the reader and the character in the book. We learn through the character’s responses how to approach life-controlling issues. We may even conclude the character’s responses make sense. And we might even consider applying those steps to our own lives.

The approach is less threatening, and we don’t need an imaginary friend tagging along with us.

The Bible is certainly the go-to non-fiction book when dealing with life issues. Do you also feel a fictional approach to learning has merit? Drop me a comment!

Robert Parlante
September 2014